Member Level Entry

Digital community access

Wellness Check Wednesday Session access
Digital community access

Wellness Check Wednesday Session access
Invitation to Quarterly private virtual “meet ups” hosted by Kira Lafond, Publisher for the Milwaukee Business Journal, bringing together key industry employers with job openings and highlighting employees in those industries

Access to promotions and resources of We Exist approved vendors

Job opportunity notifications

Monthly We Exist newsletter

Profile Highlighted in the digital community

Exclusive discounts off an annual Milwaukee Business Journal Subscription
Digital community access

Wellness Check Wednesday Session access
Profile highlighted in the digital community

Profile included in the online print edition of WeExist

One (1) Complimentary service of your choice (i.e. professional headshot session, resume writer, session with a professional Coach, etc.)

Direct access to Executive recruiters for counsel, salary negotiations, etc.

Annual subscription to the Milwaukee Business Journal

Exclusive Bi-annaul event with your industry group peers to share the best practices